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Our Research 

Perform different types of passivation with various molecules that can interact with envelope proteins, nucleoproteins, cell membranes, nucleocapsid proteins (enclosing RNA), and lipid membranes.

Get to know our team!

Our research team is under the direction of Dr. Julie Vanegas and high School, Undergraduate and Graduated Research students. Each student is assigned a specific metal for which they will oversee nanoparticle characterization and application for the given metal.

Lab Director

Dr. Julie Vanegas







Undergraduate Student Researcher

Joaquin Rivera

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Megan Martin

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Yolanda Gutierrez

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Amber Garcia

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Wilfredo Gordillo

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Zachary Siehr

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Juan Garcia

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