Inside Vanegas' Lab: Pioneering Green Chemistry and Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Future
Biosensors for Detection, where advanced material manipulation techniques are employed to develop biosensors for the detection of bacteria, viruses, and compounds such as opioids, including fentanyl and its derivatives.
Green Chemistry and Recycled Materials is an internationally recognized line of work that focuses on utilizing recycled materials like glass and solar panels for applications in beach restoration, sustainable agriculture, and SiO2 extraction for pharmaceutical uses. Soft Materials and Nanoparticles, which involves the creation of plasmonic and fluorescent nanoparticles for medical and pharmaceutical applications.
A line of research, CO2 Capture, explores innovative methods for capturing CO2 using recycled glass and reactive high-energy ball milling (RHEBM).

Research Areas at Vanegas Lab: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions through Nanotechnology and Green Chemistry